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The same opportunities for migrants and refugees


The project will respond to the needs of 8 partner organizations related to raising the competences of their employees in areas related to work with migrants and intercultural education.
The aim of the project will be to expand the range of tools used by 32 youth workers and coordinators of international projects from 5 Program Countries and 3 Partner Countries to:
- building effective cooperation schemes with public bodies (local governments, police) and third sector organizations active in counteracting racism and discrimination, creating and managing teams to monitor and educate local communities;
- effective mentoring and support in the organization process, prepared by EKS volunteers, local events promoting European cultural diversity and the values ​​of respect and tolerance,
- organization of intercultural education classes for children, young people participating in informal education classes led by partner organizations and their parents, effective moderation of classes, adapting program content to the level of knowledge and interests of participants,
- efficient resolution of conflict situations occurring between volunteers and foreign employees and members of the local community using "non-violent communication methods",
- conducting effective intercultural education with the use of non-formal education methods, addressed to volunteers and foreign employees at the stage of preparation for departure and upon arrival in Poland, schemes of conducting effective communication and cooperation with sending organizations,
- efficient management of the international group, providing mentoring support to facilitate the building of an efficient, understanding and co-responsible for the tasks performed by the project team consisting of an international youth group.


Sports Club Beniaminek 03

Tadeusza Kościuszki 34B

83-200 Starogard Gdański



Coordinator Type: Sport club


Phone: +48587371650

Partner countries

Germany, Greece, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine

For more informations

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