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Our Mission

Empowers students and young people to take an active role in society. It creates a space for dialogue, learning and cultural integration through workshops and sports activities. The organization’s activities are aimed at raising the chances of young people by developing the necessary voluntary features and enabling them to acquire a high level of soft key skills in social and professional life.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to create equal opportunities for young people and empower their personal development through social inclusion and volunteering.

Our Core Values

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Our core beliefs are:








●Releasing potential.

All About Us

GENC GIRISIM EGITIM GENCLIK VE SPORT CLUB “Young Initiative Education, Youth And Sports Club Association” was registered in March 2015. The organisation activities are focused around six aspects relevant to youth development:

  • Sports

  • Education

  • Intercultural integration

  • Develop of IT technologies and IT learning methods

  • Social entrepreneurship

  • Agriculture-permaculture

As part of its sports activities, the organisation runs sections for athletics, martial arts, gymnastics, basketball,volleyball, football, triathlon, and swimming. The club runs sections that include all young people interested in various forms of sport, including people with disabilities, from mental difficulties, learning difficulties, from diverse social and ethnic backgrounds, in difficult financial situations. The organisation activities are aimed at raising the chances of young people by developing the necessary voluntary features and enabling them to acquire a high level of soft key skills in social and professional life. In addition, through sports activities, physical activity is promoted among young people and the habits necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle are instilled in them. YISC also helps adults who has given up active working to be fully involved in the sports activities. As part of activities related to informal education of young people, the organisation tasks include supporting young people in developing key skills on the labor market and providing support in forming the professional path of young people development. In addition, the organisation conducts classes in the use of digital technologies as part of informal education classes. The organisation goal is to regularly improve the quality of youth work by initiating cooperation between NGOs responsible for non-formal education and educational institutions at regional, national and international level. The organisation creates space for the exchange of experiences and good practices in the field of non-formal learning techniques, the result of joint work of didactic environments, employees and youth leaders associated with the organization and with its domestic and foreign partners, is to improve existing youth work programs and implement new solutions aimed at to improve the quality of youth work. The organisation also conducts trainings, conferences and seminars (in stationary form and on-line) on the subject of youth work. As part of activities related to the aspect of intercultural integration, the organisation conducts numerous international exchanges and programs for youth mobility, financed, among others from the funds of the Erasmus + program. As part of international cooperation, the organisation cooperates with NGOs from Spain, Italy, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, France, , Hungary, Slovenia,Tunisia, Algeria, Russia, Greece and Ukraine... The topics of organized exchanges are oriented around the issues of learning about different cultures and religions, promoting respect and tolerance, supporting socially marginalized youth, immigrants and refugees. The organisation is accredited by EVS (European Voluntary Service) and ESC (European Solidatary Corps). Members of the organisation who will be involved in the implementation of the project are youth leaders, trainers and animators of sports activities for young people, they have experience gained from previously working in educational institutions and NGOs from experience in the areas of formal education and informal youth of international projects implemented with funds Youth in Action, Erasmus+, Comenius and eTwinning programs. One of the key areas of the organisation operation is to support young graduates of agrocultural faculties in the process of organizing their own farms, adapting them to the realities of the current market economy, as well as support for young farmers taking over based on outdated technological solutions of the farm in the process of modernizing them.

Our Team.

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

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Bora Can Baltacı


Remzi Oğuz Arik Mah. Tunali Hilmi-Cadde No:114 /49 Çankaya/Ankara  


+90 541 221 41  42



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