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StartUp Factory


Members of GENC GIRISIM EGITIM GENCLIK VE  SPORT CLUB  “Young Initiative Education, Youth And  Sports Club Association”   took part in the Erasmus+ trainng course "StartUp Factory" which was implemented in Dojran, North Macedonia between 07-13 December 2019 and gathered 23 youth workers from 8 European countries. 
The aim of this training was to increase the quality of youth work services for migrants and refugees by equipping youth workers with competencies necessary for development of social entrepreneurship start up ideas and projects


Legis NGO

Cvetan Dimov 4-1/5

1000 Skopje

Скопски (Skopski)


Coordinator Type: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise

Phone: +38922658219

Partner countries

Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey

For more informations

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