Youth exchange "Let’s do it" is the result of cooperation of young representatives of 5 European countries. Originators, group of youngsters from Swarożyn invited young people from Hungary, Greece, Macedonia and Turkey to cooperate.
The "Let’s do it" project responds to the needs of young people with fewer opportunities between the ages of 18 and 25 years for education in project implementation and improvement of leadership skills. The aim of youth exchange is to encourage young people to take action, provide them with opportunities to acquire new skills and knowledge, and strengthen their ability to create and implement projects aimed at raising and solving problems of the local community. Practical experience in the subject of change leadership will be possible through a balanced combination of theory, practice, individual reflection and dialogue. The project will meet the objectives of the Erasmus + program for the promotion of active civic attitude among young people.
Project goals:
- providing participants with knowledge and skills in the implementation of youth projects that will allow them to play the role of people disseminating the ideas of civic activity,
- providing participants with tools to develop leadership skills in order to motivate them to become active citizens (developing specific skills such as decision making, team building, communication, public speaking, etc.);
- intercultural education of participants,
- supporting young people with fewer opportunities, struggling with geographic and economic problems;
- extending the partnership network and exchanging good practices to involve young people, especially those with fewer opportunities in youth initiatives supported by youth programs or other assistance programs;
- promotion of the most important European values and the Erasmus + program.
Zespol Szkol Centrum Ksztalcenia Rolniczego w Swarozynie
Szkolna 2
83-115 Swarożyn
Coordinator Type: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise
Website: http://zsaio.pl
Phone: +48585369393
Partner countries
Greece, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Turkey