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Young, Active and Heath


The "Young, active and health" project was carried out in 2016 - 2018, in an interdisciplinary partnership concluded by Student Sport Club Conrad (the organization coordinating the course of the project), Gem Girisim Egitim Gem.ilk ye Spor Ktubu Dernegi, NGO organizations, which carry out activities in the field of general sport from Poland and Turkey, as well as the Physical Education Universities from Gdansk and Ankara. Accomplishment of the project was aimed to build a cross-sectorai, Polish-Turkish net of cooperation in the field of wotking with the youth and popularization of amateur sport in Poland and Turkey. In the framework of carrying out the project partner organizations from Poland and Turkey, in cooperation with partners from the NGO sector and from University sector, have developed an innovative program of sport-recreational classes with the elements of judo. This program contains a set of various methods and techniques of working designated for conducting classes in youth groups with diversified skill level.


Uczniowski Klub Sportowy Conrad

Chałubińskiego 13

80-809 Gdańsk



Coordinator Type: Sport club

Phone: +48509411704

Partner countries

Poland, Turkey

For more informations

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