FINCH- Familiy INvolvement in CHildren’s early education and care
The partnership in this project intent to develop different innovative approaches to help schools, students and families/parents to prevent early school leaving (ESL). The project Handbook summarizes the main methods and concrete tools to improve communication between school and families/parents. The project have developed a new concept we call Home curriculum. School isn`t the only place for learning activities. When children are at home, parents are their teachers: they are the major provider of their children`s education from birth through adolescence. This Home Curriculum is an attempt to create a home learning environment for parents and children where everything doesn`t have to seem like a classroom lesson. Project has also has worked with systems, methodology and concrete tools to improve communication between school and families/parents. In total we call this Family involvement methodology here. This booklet, which summarizes Family engagement methodology for schools, containing activities programme for children and parents at school. Project have work to improve pedagogic at schools, to enable students to have homework easier to deal with alone or together with parents. To test if students is at risk for Eary School Leaving (ESL), the project has developed a smart form, with indicators based on research and project sureveys. It gives the teachers and schools early warning about students in danger of being an ESL.
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7654 Verdal
Coordinator Type: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise
Phone: +4774071450
Partner countries
Italy, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Turkey