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“During our current pandemic situation many of us lost jobs. According to “The Guardian” “Young workers have been hit the hardest by rising unemployment during the Covid pandemic, with those under the age of 35 accounting for almost 80% of jobs lost in the past year.” Our world has changed. Virtual activities gained more importance. Not to be left behind, we feel we need to follow the change and adapt to the new world situation. But how? Should we wait until restaurants and cafés are opened again so we can get our jobs back? What if pandemic won’t be over next year? We need to take the future in our hands. Improve skills that will help us to face unemployment and live a life we want to.
The main goal of “Job for Everyone” is to tackle youth unemployment problems that occurred in the pandemic situation, inform, motivate and enable youngsters to work on that topic in their countries, as well as equip them with experience, knowledge and skills, especially digital to easily enter the labour market. The project targets youngsters who lost their jobs due to Covid, face unemployment, had bad experiences with job interviews or want to start working on youth employment projects within their organizations. The main objectives of the youth exchange are:
- to reflect on unemployment situation of youth in Europe in the pandemic situation;
- to develop skills (especially digital) and knowledge of youngsters in the process of getting a job;
- to encourage youth’s entrepreneurship with a focus on digitalization;
- to encourage the creation of future projects within the Erasmus + Programme, which will target unemployed youngsters."

For more informations

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Startowa 19D/14

80-461 Gdańsk


🇵🇱 Poland

Coordinator Type: Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise


Phone: +48 720824832

Partner countries

Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Türkiye, Ukraine

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